Farida Tukur Bello is a hardworking and resilient upcoming children’s book author who intentionally makes little changes that are often ignored in society. She has a deep love for learning and personal development. She strongly believes that the world would be better if everyone is intentional with their words, actions, and reactions. She is loving, meticulous, and passionate about raising righteous kids and believes that the future would be better if stronger values are instilled in children while they are young. She is generous and passionate about helping the needy. She desires to leave a legacy for the next generations through her work. Farida is a Public Servant working currently with a Nigerian Federal Government Agency. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and a Master’s Degree in Political Economy & Development Studies. She is an HR Specialist certified by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), USA. In her leisure time, she channels her creativity towards different causes such as volunteering for a few Non-profit Organisations geared towards humanitarian services, writing, fashion designing, and exploring healthy and indulgent food recipes, amongst others. She is a mother of three beautiful children who constantly inspire her with their innocent curiosity, wit, and rapid growth. She is the author of ‘Terrified Not’ a children’s fiction story book which is her first publication.
