Saynab Shire is a mother, madrassah teacher, ex-home schooler and a qualified permaculture designer. She has a passion to inspire both children and adults to connect with Allah سبحانه وتعالى and His Oneness through His signs in nature. Whilst home educating her children she discovered the joys of getting children outdoors, encouraging them to ponder, reflect and gain lessons from the natural environment, combined with the Quran and islamic studies. Her greatest achievements include climbing mount Snowdon and founding two youth groups in her community, Alfurqan.sisterscorner and Muslim youth perma. Saynab's writing journey started with journalling and oral story telling and she will be launching her first children’s book in the Summer of 2024. In her free time she spends time on journalling, travelling, hiking and cycling on her cargo bike. Through her work, Saynab hopes to encourage readers to slow down, to observe creation around us and discover beautiful journeys the outdoors have to offer.